PCR Number 17-025
Date 2017-09-27
Initiator Bill Ridgway
Abstract PGE06 v6.1.3:

Updated MOD_PR06OD to V6.1.1

Correction for the Aqua IR radiance "hole" had caused QA bits for clear sky to be set to "no cloud mask" instead of "no cloud".This delivery fixes the QA issue

Problem Statement PGE06:6.1.2 was found to have a bug after the correction for the Aqua IR radiance “hole” had caused QA bits for clear sky to be set to “no cloud mask” instead of “no cloud” (both Terra and Aqua).The decision to not attempt a retrieval when there is no cloud top pressure caused the QA bits to not get set properly for clear sky. In the early version of the C61 code, the QA says no cloud mask instead of clear sky.

That is, for clear pixels:

Quality_Assurance_1km (any bitflags for Clears (bitflag=1) are set to Fill (bitflag=0))

Cloud_Phase_Optical_Properties (The Clears (byte=1) are set to Fill (byte=0))

Description of Change Logic was corrected to set the QA parameters (Quality_Assurance_1km and Cloud_Phase_Optical_Properties) correctly under clear conditions.
Products Affected PGE06 - 6.1.3 optical properties
Software Affected MOD_PR06OD (PGE06 6.1.3)
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Forward Reprocessing. Terra and Aqua Reprocessing.
Downstream Product Effects Subset MxDATML2 and all Level 3 products
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing One day Science (AS1553) confirmed that the patch was successful.
Justification Obvious flaws to Level 3 products were corrected.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Forward Processing: Aqua and Terra C6.1 forward processing – replace all data since 9/1/2017.

Re-Processing: Terra reprocessing – replace all previously processed products. Now ready for Aqua.

NRT Processing: NRT processing should use new version.

Status Major algorithm development completed. Michael King approved on 09/28/2017. Gang Ye implemented 09/29/2017.