PCR Number 15-038
Date 2015-10-21
Initiator Bill Ridgway
Abstract PGE03 v6.0.44 (Terra). Updated LM to choose destripe_config_terra.dat.v4 for Terra. Updated LM to use same format of gdas file for 2015-01-14 when there was a transistion to a new format. Terra PGE03 6.0.44 was installed on 1/27/15 on ops8 for forward production, and used in Terra reprocessing from 1/1/2008.
Problem Statement Terra Band 36 experiences some single detector outages after 06-26-2008. This requires modification to the destripe config file for this period. These modifications were previously done for PGE06, but not made for PGE03. A second change is needed to accommodate the GDAS file changes after 01-14-2015.
Description of Change Updated Loader Module to chose destripe_config_terra.dat.v4 for Terra after 2008-06-26.

Updated Loader Module to use same format of GDAS file for 2015-01-14 when there was a transition to a new format

Products Affected Small impact to profile product in MOD07_L2. No impacts in Level 3 products.
Software Affected PGE03 v6.0.44
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Single day science test run for Terra 2008 Day 359. No significant impacts noted. 2010-059
Justification Avoids corruption of destriped L1B Band36 radiances due to single bad detector.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change ASAP Terra forward and reprocessing after 1/1/2008
Status Science test completed. Gang Ye approved on 01/27/2015. Bill Ridgway for Steve Platnick approved on 10/21/2015.