PCR Number 15-031
Date 2015-08-24
Initiator Bill Ridgway
Abstract PGE83 v6.0.12. Modified to fetch M*D021KM input in re-processing.
Problem Statement It was found that reprocessed C6 RGB browse images previously created using MxD02SSH were of lower quality. This was not a problem with forward stream products that did NOT use MxD02SSH.
Description of Change Modified to fetch MxD021KM data as input in reprocessing. No change to forward production rules.
Products Affected MYDATML2/MODATML2 RGB Browse images
Software Affected PGE83 v6.0.12
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra and Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A one-day science test was done to verify proper RGB images were created.
Justification Improve the quality of RGB browse images that had been degraded in comparison to C51.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed. Can be used in forward stream or reprocessing for entire missions.
Status Major algorithm development and testing completed. Bill Ridgway approved on 08/25/2015.