PCR Number | 15-031 |
Date | 2015-08-24 |
Initiator | Bill Ridgway |
Abstract | PGE83 v6.0.12. Modified to fetch M*D021KM input in re-processing. |
Problem Statement | It was found that reprocessed C6 RGB browse images previously created using MxD02SSH were of lower quality. This was not a problem with forward stream products that did NOT use MxD02SSH. |
Description of Change | Modified to fetch MxD021KM data as input in reprocessing. No change to forward production rules. |
Products Affected | MYDATML2/MODATML2 RGB Browse images |
Software Affected | PGE83 v6.0.12 |
Processing String to Receive the Change | Terra and Aqua Reprocessing |
Downstream Product Effects | None. |
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing | A one-day science test was done to verify proper RGB images were created. |
Justification | Improve the quality of RGB browse images that had been degraded in comparison to C51. |
Effective Date for Implementation of Change | Completed. Can be used in forward stream or reprocessing for entire missions. |
Status | Major algorithm development and testing completed. Bill Ridgway approved on 08/25/2015. |