PCR Number 14-033
Date 2014-12-30
Initiator Jim Ray
Abstract PGE90 v6.1.13_5 Generates all M*DARNSS, M*DFNSS, and M*DBMSS, and PGE90 6.0.13_4 generates M*DBMSS only. To current PGE90 processes MOD_PRARSS and MOD_PRFNSS were added a new process, MOD_PRBMSS, which is required for processing the BELMANIP group of subsets. All code changes are limited to the file L1B_ANC_subset.c, and include a) different LUNs for reading the BELMANIP site LUT and for the output directory, and b) a new ESDT for the output files, MODBMSS.
Problem Statement There is a need for PGE90 to generate subsets for BELMANIP sites
Description of Change Update the PGE to generate subsets for over 400 sites called the BELMANIP sites.
Products Affected New products generated – MODBMSS and MYDBMSS
Software Affected PGE90 v6.1.13. Process: MOD_PRBMSS
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Ran science test at MODAPS generating the AERONET and the BELMANIP subsets for one global data day - 20143202010-059
Justification New set of subsets generated for use by science teams in cross calibration of instruments – MODIS Terra/Aqua, VIIRS, OLI.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Completed 12/30/2014.
Status Major algorithm development and testing completed. Sadashiva Devadiga approved on 01/05/2015. Michael King approved on 01/08/2015.