PCR Number 14-031
Date 2014-12-09
Initiator Bill Ridgway
Abstract PGE85 v6.0.6 Changes to choose new destripe_config_terra.dat.v4 for dates later than or equal to 2008-06-27 00:00
Problem Statement Clear Sky Radiance code requires new destriper to handle bad detector in Terra Band 36 for 2008-present.
Description of Change PGE85 now uses destripe_config_terra.dat.v4 (MOD_PRDS) that was delivered with PGE06 CT.
Products Affected MODCSRFM, MODCSRQC, MODCSR_8, MODCSR_B, MODCSR_D, MODCSR_G (no change to Aqua products).
Software Affected PGE85 v6.0.6
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra Reprocessing, Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects MOD06_L2, MYD06_L2 (cloud top products).
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing New CSR and PGE06 products were generated as test products in AS 1234.2010-059
Justification Improves Band 36 CSR product for recent Terra periods.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Nov 15, 2014 for Terra forward reprocessing. Terra reprocessing after Jan 1, 2008. Use in Aqua forward processing should have no impact on products.
Status Major algorithm development and testing completed. Steve Platnick approved on 12/09/2014. Michael King approved on 12/30/2014.