PCR Number 14-015
Date 2014-10-14
Initiator Bill Ridgway
Abstract To implement updates in PGE69 v6.1.6, PGE56 v6.1.6, PGE70 v6.1.6, PGE57 v6.1.6 for Atmosphere Level 3 products: Tile, Daily, 8-day, Monthly respectively.
Problem Statement PGEs 69, 56, 70, 57 produce Atmosphere Level 3 products: Tile, Daily, 8-day, Monthly respectively.· New L2 parameters required updates to L3 SDS list. Renaming of some L3 SDS parameters was required to avoid confusion between Aerosol and Cloud products· The original scheme for QA weighting required revision. Some QA-weighted aerosol products removed· Conversion to gfortran and SDPTK.v5.2.17 was needed· Addition of the doi metadata was needed· Certification of 64-bit runs was required for future processing on 64-bit machines· Usage of the most recent *.MCF files was required· Changes on MOD_PR08T (PGE69) were required to limit possible optical thickness overflow in level 2· Code update to PGE69 was required for updated Definition of Day. Loader now requires 27 hours of L2· *Code updates to add metadata logging
Description of Change A large number of new parameters were introduced within each tile. New weighting schemes were applied. New Uncertainties are computed for cloud optical parameters. QA-weighted cloud parameters and some aerosol parameters are retired. The conversion to gfortran and SDPTK.V5.2.17 was completed and the results were verified. The doi addition to the metadata was also done. The certification of 64-bit runs was performed. The usage of most recent *.mcf files was also completed (except PGE69 since no *.mcf was provided by ECS). Templates for PGE69, PGE56, PGE70 and PGE57 were all modified to integrated C6 aggregation rules. PGE69 source code updated to implement new Definition of Day. Loader rules modified to stage 27 hours of L2 products for PGE69. Code changes integrated the new Definition of Day aggregation algorithm (V6.1.5/shared_src/atmos_src/src_L3/Map_to_CMG.f90). PGEs were updated to allow for metadata logging to support QA analysis.
Products Affected MYD08_TL, MYD08_D3, MYD08_E3, MYD08_M3
Software Affected PGE69 v6.1.6, PGE56 v6.1.6, PGE70 v6.1.6, PGE57 v6.1.6
Processing String to Receive the Change Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing A series of science tests were performed to develop the new algorithm and test products. Product quality was confirmed with AS 1218 test.2010-059
Justification Collection 6 L3 parameters have been extended, renamed and/or aggregated with improved statistical rules. Both 2-D SDSs and histograms have been updated to support clearer scientific interpretations. Changes are documented at
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Sept 1, 2014 for Aqua processing
Status Major algorithm development and testing completed. Steve Platnick approved on 11/13/2014. Michael King approved on 11/13/2014.