PCR Number 13-011
Date 2013-06-20
Initiator Gang Ye
Abstract PGE122 v51.0.3 (NRT) was updated to successfully pull and run new D5713NVASM input data from GMAO.
Problem Statement D5713NVASM input data and location has been changed by GMAO, so PGE122 stopped running since then
Description of Change Test PGE122 with the input data and updated noDNImport to pull the new data files from new location.
Products Affected Minor changes to PGE122 products with new input and Dr Hyer approved to implement 51.0.3 on Jun 19,2013.
Software Affected PGE122 v51.0.3
Processing String to Receive the Change Terra Forward, Terra/Auqa Combined, Aqua Forward
Downstream Product Effects No downstream products are affected.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing Sci Test running on nrt2 shows expected result.2010-059
Justification Input data changes by GMAO, so PGE122 and MODAPS updated to use the new input.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change 2013-06-20
Status Gang Ye and Ed Hyer (PGE122 developer) approved on 06/20/2013.