PCR Number 12-010
Date 2012-01-31
Initiator Bill Ridgway
Abstract To document the implemented science and structural changes made in Aqua PGE03 v6.0.21.
Problem Statement Updates for Collection 6 to Aqua PGE03 v6.0.21 implement numerous science changes described in the attached documents “MODIS_C6_Changes_CloudMask” and “MODIS_C6_Changes_AtmProfiles.” Additional structural changes were necessary to accommodate the UW LEOCAT processing elements.
Description of Change Aqua PGE03 v6.0.21 includes science changes, LEOCAT elements shared with PGE06, cloud mask threshold changes to accommodate PGE02 calibration changes, new L1B Destriper coefficients.
Products Affected MYD35_L2, MYD07_L2, MYD06_L2 (If PGE06 is run).
Software Affected PGE03 v6.0.21
Processing String to Receive the Change Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects Most downstream Atmosphere L2 and L3 products and some Land products will be affected. Some of the testing is ongoing. Changes to thresholds and thermal tests particularly impact aerosol products.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing  
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Feb 1, 2012 for Aqua reprocessing. Forward C6 processing after completion of reprocessing.
Status Steve Platnick approved for Atmospheres, Sadashiva Devadiga approved for Land, Michael King approved on 06/07/2012.