MODAPS PCR 2007-02-09

PCR Number  
Date 2007-02-09
Initiator Paul Hubanks
Abstract Introduction of four Deep Blue Aerosol parameters into L3 Aqua Atmosphereproducts.
Problem Statement The Aerosol Group added Deep Blue Aerosol parameters to their L2 product.They asked for these new parameters to be propagated into the AtmospheresL3 products.
Description of Change The following L3 file specification and HDF template file changes were made:
Added Deep Blue Aerosol parameters derived from the Aerosol (MYD04_L2) product.
The parameters added are:
- Deep_Blue_Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Land
- Deep_Blue_Aerosol_Optical_Depth_550_Land
- Deep_Blue_Angstrom_Exponent_Land
- Deep_Blue_Single_Scattering_Albedo_Land
A number of statistical SDS's were added for each parameter noted above.
Products Affected All L3 Atmosphere Products
Software Affected PGE69, PGE56, PGE70, PGE57
Processing String to Receive the Change Aqua Forward, Aqua Reprocessing
Downstream Product Effects None.
Data Granules to be Used for Science Testing The L3 codes were tested using the standard Atmosphere Aqua 16-day data setcovering all months and seasons of the year.
Justification This change was driven by a request from the L2 Aerosol Group. It is intended to provided improved aerosol data over deserts and other bright terrain where only poor quality data were available.
Effective Date for Implementation of Change Start of C5 Aqua Reprocessing.